Video Games That Can Make You Money

  1. Video Games That Can Make You Money Without
  2. Games That Pay Real Money

In the past, only teenagers and young adults were spending their free time playing video games. However, things are changed now and people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities are fans of video games. The best part is that players can now make real money while playing their favorite video games. In our guide presented below, we will share a few great tips to make money playing video games. These are simple tips that can help you earn big money and have fun at the same time.

Testing video games

We’ll start this list with a tip that requires a little bit more effort. Namely, there are many players that have managed to strike deals with video game companies that are willing to pay players to test their new video games. Test players can earn a decent amount of money and all they have to do is to be good at playing video games and actually play the games given to them. Companies are paying players to do this because in this way they can find bugs or improve their games in general.

You can also play video games and test them on channels created on YouTube and Twitch. In some cases, you can make money by displaying ads (PPC marketing), but it’s also a good idea to be active on platforms like this because you can create a base of fans that you can use for marketing purposes later. When you have thousands of followers, it’s very likely that you will get approached by companies focused on this industry. They can provide sponsorships and fund your channel or website.

Reviewing video games

The second advice we have is similar to the first one because it includes playing games and sharing your experience with the audience. But, in this case, you will be playing games that you are interested in playing and you won’t be working directly for a specific video gaming company. Once again, you will have to create a profile on a social media platform where players hang out like YouTube or create a website or blog. What’s important at this phase is to come up with a name that stands outs. Gamers enjoy following online celebrities that have catchy nicknames. Check the names used by other game reviewers to get a better idea. You should also invest in a good camera that you will use to film yourself.

As for the type of video games you should review, our recommendation is to review new video games regardless of the genre. Older video games are not very attractive and even if some players are still playing them, they don’t need reviews because they know everything about these games. To get noticed, you should ask your friends and family to share the reviews on their social media profiles or blogs. You should also use hashtags when possible. It’s a smart move to invest in a paid advertisement if you are serious about this venture. After you publish a few reviews and you have managed to build a following, you can contact video game companies and suggest cooperation.

Find easy hobbies that make money with our tried and true list of 51 hobbies. Yes, you can even earn some extra cash by playing video games! Yes, you can make real money playing video games. Streaming is a popular choice and one of the easiest ways to make money from gaming. Can I make a living from streaming video games? Yes, you can make a living from streaming video games. You need to establish yourself as a gamer first and build a loyal following, but once you are well-know you. Playing games that can earn you real money is everybody’s dream and while there are some very skilled gamers who can actually make a living out of this, for. What we understand as video games has always been evolving. Nowadays it is possible to make money by playing games online.

Offering gameplay guides

Online presence is a must if you want to monetize your gaming activity in this way. It’s a good idea to launch a blog with the help of WordPress or other CMS that features gaming templates. On your blog, you can share videos or written content that can help players finish new video games. It’s highly recommended to open a Vimeo or YouTube account for this purpose. You will have to find the best way to record your gaming activity so you can share it with your audience.

It’s also a good idea to use AdSense or other PPC platforms that can help you earn money whenever visitors are checking your content and clicking banners. Remember that YouTube allows video ads and this is something that can help you a lot in earning money.


Participating in gaming tournaments

If you want to make money in this specific way, you will have to become a professional video gamer. You should be aware of your skills. To test your skills, you should play online against other players and analyze your results. You must know the game you’ve chosen inside and out if you want to win tournaments.


Many players have started in small tournaments with lower prizes just to check how good they are. In addition, these tournaments don’t have a huge number of opponents that you have to defeat in order to win a prize. Remember that some tournaments will ask for an entrance fee. Join them if you can afford it and if the potential prize you can win is worth it. If you win a tournament invest your winnings in a smart way.

Tips about:

Most people spend money to play video games. A small segment of the population actually does things the other way around: They make money by playing video games. If you’ve ever wondered how you could turn your gaming hobby into a paying gig, you’ve come to the right place. Here are four ways you can make money playing video games.

1. Streaming

Thanks to the advent of video streaming sites like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, some lucky (and smart and talented) people are raking in cash by broadcasting their video game play sessions on the internet. It’s a good job if you can get it.

How to do it: Turning streaming into a lucrative business is a bit more complicated than it might sound at first blush. After all, building up a sizable audience willing to watch — and, ideally, pay for — your content is no trivial task.


First you need the gear. While PlayStation 4 and Xbox One let you stream games over Twitch using their built-in apps, most pro streamers use a game capture box and a PC to do the heavy lifting. And once you have your gear, you’ll also need to be charismatic and entertaining if you want people to keep coming back to watch you. Once you have that down, you’ll want to start streaming on a regular schedule so viewers know when they can tune in to catch you. Oh, and having a background in business won’t hurt, either, since once you have an audience you’ll probably want to work on partnerships and promotions.

For a detailed look at all aspects of how to stream, check out this article from Tom’s Guide.

2. eSports

Source: Capcom

If you’re exceptionally skilled at certain games that are big in the competitive multiplayer scene, you can make money by competing in tournaments. Games like Dota 2, CounterStrike: Global Offensive, and Street Fighter V are all popular eSports games with tournaments that offer millions of dollars in prize money to the best players. You can find a list of eSports games, with information about their tournaments and prizes, here.

How to do it: This is one of the tougher ways to get paid to play video games because it’s all based on how skilled you are at the games in question. To get started, you’ll have to get good a game and start competing in tournaments. You can win money all by yourself in solo games, but for team-based games you’ll have to join up with a team. Many eSports players also earn money from sponsorships by companies like Red Bull and Adidas.

3. QA testing

Every major game developer has a team of quality assurance testers on staff to play games at various stages of development and comment on them. The thing is, QA testers don’t play games like normal customers do. They’re looking for bugs, so they have to spend lots of time in each section trying to “break” the game. Then they file reports based on their experiences.

Video Games That Can Make You Money Without

How to do it: Look at job board postings at major development companies like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Nintendo, and any other company that makes games you like. The downsides of QA testing are that you’ll almost certainly have to live near the studio to be a QA tester, and it’s an entry level job that doesn’t pay much.

4. Writing


Hemingway definitely would’ve written about video games if he’d been born later. | Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

If you have a talent for the written word, you can get a job writing about video games. Of all the jobs on this list, writing about games involves the least amount of time spent actually playing games. You’re being paid to produce words rather than to put time into video games. People who write about games spend much more time doing research, interviews, reporting, email, and actual writing than they do playing games.

Still, playing games is an essential part of most video game writing gigs, so if you enjoy shaping words into sentences and paragraphs, it’s a great way to get paid for doing two things you love. Also, writing about games means you’ll get many games for free, usually before they’re released to the public.

How to do it: If you want to get started writing about video games, the best thing to do is to start writing, period. You’ll need writing skills before anyone will pay you money to write about video games (or anything else, for that matter). Start a blog or start contributing to blogs on big gaming sites. Once you’ve written a few articles that prove you can write and you know what you’re talking about, start pitching story ideas to editors at gaming sites, using your blog posts as clips. If they’re accepted, you’re on your way to a job writing about video games.

Video Games That Can Make You Money

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Games That Pay Real Money

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